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ACACIA's income decreased by 45 percent

The service provided by ACACIA Bulyanhulu's Gold Mine at the Nyang'wale District Council in Geita region has decreased by more than 45 percent from the Government to prevent the export of infants.

Executive Council Director Carlos, Gwamagobe said the decrease in income generated by ACACIA would affect the budget because they rely on the 2017/18 financial year to collect over Sh800 million as a service tax from the mine.

"The decline in revenue will affect our budget because there are no projects implemented last year in the education sector now we have to make a deliberate effort to carry out these funds that have been very helpful in development projects and social projects," Gwamagobe said.

He said the council has succeeded in building 12 primary schools, eight respectively. The council has succeeded in building 12 primary schools, secondary school secondary schools and building a Kakola Secondary School hostel as well as building a storage store. Secondary school and build a Kakola Secondary School hostel as well as build a store store.

Nyang'wale District Headman, Hamm Buyama said the service tax provided by ACACIA has already pushed forward the development of the council and said in development there should be challenges as it now detected ACACIA.

He said the issue was a stumbling block for the company but also for tax-based councils based on income decline and saying that the issue would come to a good end and they would continue to work as it was before.

Giving a checks to the leadership of Nyang'wale District Chief Executive Officer of ACACIA Bulyanhulu Gold Grahama Crew said over the past six months the taxation tax is more than Sh687 million which divide them into the 67-million Million Counseling Council with Nyang 'That earned 33 percent.

He said from 2000 until now the bulyanhulu gold mine has paid more than Sh10.2 billion as a rental tax in the workplace where he said they are hoping to continue to strengthen the industrial sector in mining operations in Nyang'wale District.

Speaking in the dispute of Nyang'wale MP, Hussein Nassoro has said Nyang'wale's people are in good relationship with the company, but still have a great deal of need.

He said the district is still back in the education, health and road infrastructure sector and urges the company to continue to support social services for citizens so that they can see the benefits of investing in their areas.

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